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New Jersey State Museum
Stella Waitzkin, Goa, 1993, mixed media, 32" x 38.5" x 7.75"

New Jersey State Museum
Stella Waitzkin, All My Children, 1993, mixed media, 7" x 10.5" x 7.75" “Photo by Ricardo Barros.”

William Paterson University
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin, 7.25" x 6.75" x 3.25"

Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick
Stella Waitzkin, From Little Library F, Don Quixote, c. 1978-79, polyester resin, 8" x 6" x 4"

Rider University
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin, 7” x 10” x 6”

John Cotton Dana Library at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin and plaster, 16.75" x 13" x 9.5"

Newark Museum
Stella Waitzkin, Hotel Chelsea Registry, c. 1975, resin, mixed media, cast and found objects, 14.5” x 70.5” x 9”
New Jersey
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