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Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polester resin and mixed media, 35" x 25.5" x 2"
Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Stella Waitzkin, Totem, c. 1980s, polyester resin, plaster, mixed media, 25" x 10" x 8"
Chazen Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., mixed media, polyester resin, 10.5" x 22" x 3"
Wright Museum of Art, Beloit College
Stella Waitzkin, From Little Library H, n.d., polyester resin and mixed media, 6" x 9" x 8"
Wright Museum of Art, Beloit College
Stella Waitzkin, From Little Library H, n.d., polyester resin and mixed media, 6" x 9" x 8"
Wright Museum of Art, Beloit College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin and cast objects, 15" x 13" x 7"
Alverno College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin, 14.5” x 13” x 9”
St. Norbert College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled (Green Book with Rock), n.d., polyester resin, stone, 9” x 7” x 6”
Ripon College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d, polyester resin
Ripon College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d, polyester resin
Ripon College
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d, polyester resin
Foster Gallery University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Stella Waitzkin, Untitled, n.d., polyester resin, 9.75” x 10” x 7.25”
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